The journey from pregnancy to parenthood is transformative. After the journey of pregnancy and birth, it’s time to step out into a whole new adventure: Beginning life as new parents!
Now you’ll get to see your baby grow and change firsthand. One of the most remarkable parts of this new stage is that as your baby develops and thrives from interaction with you, you will also grow. The work of parenting is joyful, important, challenging and deeply satisfying work that is worthy of everyone’s best efforts, including your family, friends and community: You’ll need their support during this journey. It’s important that you consider their advice, but it’s also key to develop a parenting style that best fits you. Learn as much as you can, so you’re prepared to make safe and healthy choices that are best for you and your baby, since these decisions don’t end with birth.
Baby's Developmental Milestones
All infants develop at their own unique pace, but these milestones provide some general guidance.
Beyond Birth Day
Experience one of life’s most exciting journeys: Parenthood. Understand babies’ needs.
Nursing School
All the basics about breastfeeding. Learn as much as possible before you start.
Pacifiers may seem like a quick solution to quieting a fussy baby, as well as reducing the likelihood of SIDS, but these benefits are not as straightforward as they initially appear. Discover the risks.
Sleep Tight
Should your baby sleep alone or with you? Decide where to lay your baby's head.
Baby Blues
Take the first step toward battling the severity of postpartum depression. Spot the symptoms.
Getting Back to Work
Returning to work after having a baby isn’t an all-or-nothing decision. Decide what works.
Other Parent Resources
Find quality research and information on the internet. Explore evidence-based resources.