Your Pregnancy Week by Week: 11 Weeks
By: Lamaze International | 0 Comments
The following information -- and much more -- can also be found in the free weekly email Lamaze Pregnancy Week by Week. Sign up now to receive helpful information for your stage of pregnancy. Subscribers will be given the opportunity to complete a Lamaze Parent Satisfaction Survey after their pregnancy and receive a Lamaze Toys coupon. We want to hear about your birth experience and the impact that childbirth education may have had so that we can continue to make sure parents have the information they need for the safest, healthiest birth possible.
You're in week 11 of your pregnancy!
In Western culture, moms receive most of the attention during pregnancy. It's easy for partners to feel left out and insignificant. Yet both parents emotional needs can be involved in parenting right from the start. Share these tips to ensure both parents feel cared for during your pregnancy and prepared and excited for their new role. Another idea is to take the Lamaze Parenting Together online class to both get ready for this exciting change in your lives
What's New with Baby
Even though you don't feel it yet, your baby is now able to do all sorts of kicks and turns! Little tooth buds have formed in his mouth. His head takes up about half of his body length, which is a whopping 4 cm (the length of an average strawberry). While he may not weigh much now at about 7 grams, he is preparing for a major growth spurt very soon!
What's New with You
Some women begin to feel more energetic and less nauseated around this time. Don't worry if this is not the case with you just yet. Chances are, these feelings will begin to fade over the next few weeks.
Take a few minutes to pamper yourself with a relaxing bath, massage, pedicure, manicure or a leisurely stroll outside. This little pick-me-up may be just the thing you need on a day when you're feeling particularly tired.
Words of Wisdom from Another Mom
'I read tons of books and magazines and signed up for several weekly pregnancy emails when I was pregnant. Since my husband isn't much of a book reader, I made sure to give him a summary of the baby's development each new week. Sometimes I just told him, but other times, I would actually forward my weekly email. I could tell he was paying attention and was interested because he would ask questions and talk about it with our friends. It really helped me feel like he was more involved with the pregnancy and that I wasn't the only one who knew what was happening with our unborn baby.'
Want to learn more? Sign up for Lamaze Pregnancy Week by Week -- it's free!
Published: November 28, 2014
PregnancyDadsPartnersEarly pregnancyFirst trimesterLamaze Pregnancy Week by Week