From Giving Birth with Confidence.

- An intact amniotic sac (“bag of waters”) protects your baby’s head and your vagina during labor.
- Artificially rupturing the sac increases your risk of infection and interventions (including the administration of Pitocin or an IV, need for electronic fetal monitoring, restricted movement and cesarean delivery).
- Research shows that movement and hydration are often all that’s needed to get a slow labor moving and that membranes shouldn’t be ruptured routinely.
- You may benefit from having your water broken if your labor is very difficult or slow to progress.
How to Avoid Unnecessary Artificial Rupture of Membranes
- Discuss this intervention with your caregiver.
- Tell your caregiver that a longer labor is okay with you.
- Labor at home as long as possible.
How to Keep Labor as Safe and Healthy as Possible if Your Membranes are Ruptured Artificially
- Be prepared for stronger contractions.
- Continue to use all the support and comfort resources you have.
- Avoid having unnecessary vaginal exams after your membranes have been ruptured.
- Keep moving and changing position often.
- Remember that your body knows how to birth your baby.