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Lamaze publishes education and thought leadership for both the childbirth educator and parent audiences. Discover all Lamaze has to offer and how it meets your needs.

The Journal of Perinatal Education 

The Journal of Perinatal Education (JPE) is the leading peer-reviewed journal specifically for childbirth educators. Through evidence-based articles, the JPE advances the knowledge of aspiring and seasoned educators in any setting and informs educators and other health-care professionals on research that will improve their practice and their efforts to advance safe and healthy birth. This is a Lamaze members-only resource. Learn more about and read JPE issues here.

Giving Birth With Confidence

Giving Birth With Confidence is a parent-focused blog providing trusted resources, stories and answers about a variety of childbirth topics including safe and healthy birth, the pregnancy experience, gear and fashion, nutrition and wellness, and breastfeeding and early parenthood. Discover more on Giving Birth With Confidence.

Connecting the Dots

Connecting the Dots is a Lamaze blog geared toward highlighting research and resources for perinatal professionals. Featured topics include childbirth education, maternal infant care, professional resources and more. Learn more on Connecting the Dots.


The Lamaze Podcast

As the official podcast of Lamaze International, The Lamaze Podcast spotlights LCCE educators, parents and industry experts from around the globe to talk about healthy birth practices, advocacy, labor and pregnancy tips and tricks, childbirth advice, and opportunities and challenges facing the childbirth educator community. Listen now

Inside Lamaze (Members only)

The Inside Lamaze newsletter is a members-only resource offering continuing education childbirth educators. Keep up with the latest perinatal education news and research relevant to you and the parents you teach, curated from the news, Lamaze blogs, or JPE. As an LCCE, this is a valuable tool to stay up to date and apprised — and it comes right to your inbox!

Lamaze Educator Learning Guide

The Lamaze Educator Learning Guide is a self-study resource designed to help you develop the competencies of a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator. It prepares you to teach the essential content for Lamaze classes and will continue to serve as an important reference for evidence-based information throughout your professional career. Learn more about the learning guide and purchase options.