YOU Can Help Shape Breastfeeding Policies in Congress - Here's How
By: Cara Terreri, LCCE, CD(DONA) | 0 Comments
The United States Breastfeeding Committee (USBC) is an independent nonprofit organization that works to protect, promote, and support breastfeeding in the United States. They are made up of more than 50 national professional, educational, and governmental organizations that share a common mission, which is to drive policies and practices that create a supportive environment for breastfeeding across the United States.
One of the important things that the USBC does is highlight and prioritize breastfeeding policies for Congress. In January, the 116th Congressional Session will begin with the newly elected and returning Congress members. The USBC is preparing for this event by organizing the most important breastfeeding policies to focus on right now.
Here's where you come in.

The USBC needs YOUR help to identify the key priorities for creating an optimally supportive breastfeeding country. They have created a very brief,
five-question survey so that you can share what issues are most important to you. There are a wide range of important breastfeeding-related policies to consider,
so the USBC needs YOUR help to identify the top priority issues to focus on in the 116th Congressional session
Click here to take the quick survey!
Why participate? The priorities you identify will inform the Welcome Letter and other materials prepared by the USBC for the upcoming virtual "Welcome Congress Week" to be held in February 2019. When we speak, legislators listen! Most recently, the USBC's work has resulted in funding for breastfeeding support in the federal budget, as well as the passing of the bipartisan Friendly Airports for Mothers (FAM) Act into law. Let's build on this momentum together with the USBC!
Take just a few minutes now to
complete the survey and share breastfeeding issues nearest and dearest to your heart, whether it will affect you, your children, or grandchildren! We can continue to make a difference!
Published: November 29, 2018
BreastfeedingAdvocacyUnited States Breastfeeding CommitteeUSBCBreastfeeding AdvocacyBreastfeeding PoliciesCongress