Today, March 6 is IBCLC day, and in recognition, we're giving you the scoop on IBCLCs. If you're pregnant or recently gave birth and plan to/are breastfeeding, an International Board of Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), is important to know and work with to provide care, support, and troubleshooting with breastfeeding.
- Is a healthcare professional who provides clinical care, support, and management of breastfeeding for new parents
- Can be found in either a hospital, in the labor and delivery and postpartum units, or in a private practice
- Helps with issues like difficulty latching, sore nipples, breast infection, positioning problems, twins/multiples, milk supply, returning to work, and more
- Can be found on the United States Lactation Consultant Association directory
- Costs between $120-$200+ for a private consultation, which can be reimbursed by some insurance carriers
- Provides private in-home or in-office consultations
- Differs from a Certified Lactation Consultant (CLC) due to more extensive training and hands-on practice
- Is an invaluable asset to the success and enjoyment of your breastfeeding experience!
Published: March 06, 2017
Breastfeeding SupportIBCLCIBCLC Day