Wearing Your Own Clothes During Labor (& BG Birthing Gown Winner!)
By: Cara Terreri, LCCE, CD(DONA) | 0 Comments
Last week, the founder and owner of the BG Birthing Gown answered our questions and hosted a giveaway of one of her birthing gowns (see the end of this post for the winner announcement). We'd like to share some of the insightful comments our giveaway entrants shared on why they want to wear their own clothes during labor:
"Wearing my own clothes during labor and birth would be amazing! I fully believe that so much of success in life is built on own comfort level with ourselves and the amount of confidence we have in our capabilities; and I- like many women- find my wardrobe to be a great source of both confidence and comfort." - Amanda
"On all special days I want to look like me, not a bizarre version of me. That was my goal for my wedding day and for my last birth." -Jess
"Traditional hospital gowns, even maternity ones, do not fit bigger women. This looks like it would fit and flatter without making me feel like a sausage! The last thing I need to worry about while going through labor is feeling uncomfortable in one-size-fits-all hospital garb!" -Kara
"I would feel more comfortable in my clothing with my usual smell from the wash or the smell of the home or clothes drawer..." -Latonya
"I remember with my 1st baby, walking up and down the labour ward trying to get my labour to progress faster in the hospital robe. I had to hold the back together the whole time and it only made me more anxious." -Crystal
"Wearing my own clothes would have helped me feel more comfortable and would have helped to create a less rigid environment more homey. I had my own pillow with me in the hospital why shouldn't I have brought my own clothes??" -Brandi
And the winner of the BG Birthing Gown giveaway is.....Molly, who said: "I love this idea and these gowns are lovely! Wearing my own clothes during my birthing time is important to me because it allows me to retain my personal autonomy and identity. Hospitals gowns send a powerful message about who owns the woman's body and baby. The freedom to wear my own clothes correlates to retaining my own bodily integrity and agency."
Congratulations Molly! Thanks to everyone who participated in the giveaway and to BG Birthing Gown for hosting.
Published: March 25, 2012