Top 5 Lamaze Resources on Infant Sleep
By: Cara Terreri, LCCE, CD(DONA) | 0 Comments
People often refer to a sleeping infant as "precious," but all new parents know that the most precious thing about it is that their baby is SLEEPING! The issue of infant sleep is one that so many parents lose sleep over -- literally and figuratively. Are they getting enough? When will they wake? When will they sleep for longer? How can I get more sleep? Are they breathing? Where should they sleep? What's safe? When will this get easier? It's confusing, stressful, and of course, exhausting. This month, we'll share new and existing resources and tips on infant sleep from the experts. And not to be overlooked -- we'll also address sleep during pregnancy. To get you started, we've compiled a short-list of our own top 5 infant sleep resources.
Bringing Home Baby
This is an awesome, inexpensive, do-at-your-own-pace e-course developed by Lamaze to help you navigate ALL of the new babyhood demands, including sleep.
Safe Sleeping Tips for Newborns
This covers the most important basics, like bed sharing and sleep safety, and also has some excellent outside links listed at the end.
Know the Facts About SIDS to Reduce Your Risk
Specific, easy-to-understand facts about SIDS and the things you can do to lower your baby's risk. A must-read for every parent and caregiver.
Taking Care of Yourself After Baby Is Born
Baby's sleep impacts your sleep, and how you handle that issue is critical. Sleep is vital to health and emotional well-being!
3 Ways to Get Your Newborn to Sleep and (Hopefully) Stay Asleep!
How to get baby to sleep and stay asleep is like the holy grail for new parents.
Published: October 03, 2016
ParentingPostpartumSIDSInfant sleepInfant Sleep SafetyPostpartum HealthPostpartum Sleep