Taking a Page from Giving Birth with Confidence: Why You Would Need a C-section
By: Cara Terreri, LCCE, CD(DONA) | 0 Comments
Last month, Lamaze relaunched the revised, 3rd edition version of their flagship book, Giving Birth with Confidence. (You can check out a full review here.) In closing out the month on cesarean awareness, we would like to share with you an excerpt of information in the book about cesarean births, specifically on reasons why you would need a c-section. Also included in the book are practices to look out for that may increase your risk for a cesarean; ways to reduce your risk; what kinds of risks to consider with a c-section; information on VBAC; and how to keep your birth as safe and healthy as possible in the event of a cesarean.
Reasons Why You Would Need a Cesarean for Your Birth
(Excerpted from Giving Birth with Confidence, 3rd Edition, by Judith Lothian, RN, PhD, LCCE, FACCE, FAAN, and Charlotte DeVries)
- You are hemorrhaging.
- Your baby's oxygen supply is blocked.
- You have placenta previa.
- Your baby is in a transverse position (lying horizontally across your pelvis).
- You have poorly controlled diabetes or severe pregnancy-induced hypertension.
- You've had a previous cesarean, and your caregiver is unwilling to attend a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean).
- Your labor is not progressing at all, and either you or your baby is not doing well.
- Your baby is in a breech position (head up, feet or buttocks down) and your caregiver isn't skilled at assisting vaginal breech birth.
- Your baby's heart rate slows and doesn't improve when you change positions, drink more fluids, or are given oxygen. (if Pitocin is being used, it should be turned down or off.)
- You're carrying more than one baby, and one of your babies is in a transverse position or your caregiver isn't skilled at assisting vaginal multiple births.
Published: April 28, 2017
BirthCesareanCesarean Awareness MonthGiving Birth with ConfidenceCesarean BirthC-sectionBirth BookA page from the bookGiving Birth with Confidence BookLamaze BookReasons for cesarean