Signs that You're Maybe - Probably - Definitely in Labor
By: Cara Terreri | 0 Comments
Google search history from someone who is 39 weeks pregnant:
Am I in labor
How do I know if I'm labor
Signs of labor
What are the signs of labor
Symptoms of labor
Will I be pregnant forever
Wanting to know about how to recognize labor is likely the single-most-searched question on Google by anyone in their third trimester (I don't have data to prove this; let's call it a strong hunch).
As the organization that practically invented childbirth classes, we want to make sure that every pregnant person who wants to know the most accurate information about recognizing the signs of labor can find it. Let's take a look.
Recognizing the Signs of Labor
Signs that your body is preparing for labor:
- Feeling that the baby has dropped lower
- Belly tightening that comes and goes
- Nesting urge
- Increasing backache
Signs that labor may start (within a few days):
- Increase in discharge (clear or light yellow)
- Soft bowel movements
- Restlessness
- Difficulty sleeping (more than normal)
- Backache
- Frequent contractions that come and go
Signs that labor has probably started:
- Contractions that are growing longer, stronger, and closer together
- Contractions that don't go away even if you move, change positions, or take a shower
- You may find it difficult to walk and talk during contractions
- Cervical change: Progressive opening and thinning of the cervix (can be identified through a pelvic exam with your health care provider)
Signs that labor has started:
- Your water breaks - it may be a trickle or a gush (water breaking at the start of labor only happens in about 15% of people)
- You can no longer walk and talk during contractions
- Contractions are about 20 minutes apart or closer
When to contact your health care provider (doctor, OB, midwife)
(Find out in advance from your provider specific instructions and a phone number to call when you are in labor or think you may be in labor)
- When contractions are about four minutes apart, lasting for about a minute, and this has been going on for about an hour
- If you have any concerns about yourself or baby
- Decreased movement of the baby (less than 10 movements in two hours)
- Bright red bleeding like a period (light mucousy spotting is a normal sign of labor)
- Very bad headache or change in your vision (spots, flashes of light, blurriness)
Important note:
If you are not at least 37 weeks pregnant and you have four or more contractions in an hour or break your water, contact your health care provider as you may be in preterm labor.
Published: July 18, 2019
LaborThird TrimesterSigns of Labor