Resources for Pregnancy and Infant Loss
By: Cara Terreri, LCCE, CD(DONA) | 0 Comments
October 15 is World Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance Day. Families who experience the loss of a child need special resources and support. Resources found at the following sites can make a significant positive impact for families who are expecting or experiencing loss.
Star Legacy Foundation
Support and resources to families expecting a new baby or experiencing a pregnancy loss or neonatal death.
- Information
- Research
- Ask the experts
- Peer support
- Support groups
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep (NILMDTS)
NILMDTS is a non-profit remembrance photography organization that provides free-of-charge photography services local to your area. Photographers in their network are specially trained to assist and support grieving families through photography of their child.
- Photographer directory
- Ideas for creating a legacy
- Care packages (Colorado)
- Remembrance walk
Still Birthday
Still Birthday provides informational resources on miscarriage and loss, support stories from other parents, and a directory for finding a Still Birthday Doula who can assist and support you in or after the birth of your child.
- Find a Still Birthday Doula
- Birth plans for expected loss
- Healing resources
- Hearts Release event
MISS Foundation
The MISS Foundation provides quick-access resources to counseling, advocacy, research, education, and support for those grieving the death or impending death of a child.
- Family support packet
- Counseling in your area
- HOPE mentor
- Support group
Facts about Miscarriage
Simple question-and-answer style page that provides information on miscarriage.
Grieving Dads
Support for grieving dads through shared storytelling of experiences with loss.
Share Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support
Share provides support, information, education, and resources for parents who have experienced pregnancy loss, stillbirth, or loss in the first few months of life.
- Support in your state
- Share Español: Esperanza
- Grandparents support
- Memorial bricks
- Information on planning a memorial or funeral service
Published: October 15, 2021
PregnancyInfant lossMaternal InstinctsMiscarriageStillbirth