Sometimes the early signs of pregnancy are obvious. Hear from real parents who share their early pregnancy symptoms and how they just knew they were pregnant.
It was most evident with my third, and I don't remember it being so pleasant. I was tired, had to pee CONSTANTLY, couldn't poop for the life of me, and my pants were suspiciously not fitting quit right as though my uterus knew something I didn't. That and I just 'didn't feel right.' No romantic glow here...vomiting started one week later.
-Chelsea W.
I had cravings -- nothing too random (chocolate milkshake & fries were always on my mind) -- but the intensity of the cravings was incredible! I really HAD to have whatever it was, and now! And heartburn, heartburn, heartburn! Smells also seemed to intensify. I had a linen-scented candle and I had to throw it out because it seemed to smell so horrible at the time!
-Amanda R.
My boobs told me the first time. They were crazy tender. Also, my pee smelled different. The second time I had bronchitis and a double ear infection, so I missed my pregnancy symptoms. I was just miserable all over. At some point, I realized I didn't start my period and took a test.
-Richee E.
When I became pregnant with our 3rd child, I knew before I missed my period. We lost our second child as a 40-week stillbirth the previous year, and I had become very aware of my body and cycles during my grief. It was definitely fun to show friends and family a positive test result, but my husband and I knew without a doubt before any tests.
-Sherri W.
As soon as implantation happens, I go from having no dreams (that I remember) to having very vivid, realistic dreams. Some stressful, some intense.
-Marisa H.
I knew by my boobs. Getting in the shower was quite painful on them. Then, I realized I was supposed to be on my period and I wasn't. Soon after that, the nose swelling began -- and it continued the whole pregnancy. I had nose swelling which followed with a sinus infection... nose swelled the whole pregnancy.
Gina G.
I felt the overwhelming urge to go and take a nap in the middle of the day -- and I never nap. In fact, one day, I actually went out to my car during my lunch break and fell asleep for 20 minutes!
-Shelly B.
Apparently, my husband knew before I did. He told me I became really moody with him and snapped at everything he said, lol! Since we were trying to get pregnant, he thought it was because I was pregnant. Thankfully, I wasn't quite as hormonal the rest of my pregnancy as I was in the beginning.
-Avery F.
Before I was ever got a positive pregnancy test, I started having round ligament pains when I rolled over in bed. I thought it was impossible to feel those pains that early in a pregnancy, but this was my third, so maybe? As it turned out, I was actually pregnant!
-Cara T.
I remember cramping early on -- just like I was going to get my period, but it never came. It was like a dull aching feeling in my pelvis and lower back. It lasted for quite a while in the early part of my pregnancy and I remember noticing it most in the middle of the night.
-Karin L.
Did you know you were pregnant before taking a test? Chime in with your experience in the comments!
Published: July 15, 2022