We have shared with you before the work that Consumer Reports has done on behalf of expectant families, including publishing hospital c-section rates, interventions to avoid during birth, and examining routine tests and treatment for children. Consumer Reports' investigation and advocacy for childbearing families falls perfectly in line with the Lamaze mission for safe and healthy births.
Consumer Reports is launching a nationwide search to recruit and recognize "Choosing Wisely Patient Champions," some of whom they will train to become volunteer activists for the Choosing Wisely campaign. Choosing Wisely is a long-running national campaign that promotes conversations between providers and patients with a goal of making sure everyone's care is as safe and useful as possible. The campaign works to educate people on the kinds of medical tests and treatments that provide little benefit to patients, and in some cases, can cause harm.
Think you might be or know a potential Choosing Wisely Patient Champion? If so, the details are below, and Consumer Reports would love to hear from you! The deadline is April 30, 2017.

Who is a Choosing Wisely Patient Champion?
Someone who asks their healthcare provider questions to find out if certain medical tests or treatments really are needed - or if there are other options;
Someone who encourages their friends and family to do the same; and
Someone who understands that more care is not always better care.
Who can be a Patient Champion?
Almost anyone, including a patient, parent, or caregiver - though you must be at least 18 years old. We are looking for everyday people.
You cannot be a Patient Champion if you are a healthcare professional (such as a doctor, nurse, or medical student).
What does a Patient Champion do?
Works with Consumer Reports to publicize your story online, in our magazine, via social media, and/or possibly in other ways, such as regional and national conferences; and
Spreads the message of Choosing Wisely and the importance of talking about overuse with others, and encourages them to share their stories with Consumer Reports; and possibly,
Considers joining a team of activists by attending and completing the Consumer Reports Consumer Leadership Academy (online and by phone), to learn how to effectively change our culture of medical overuse. What is the nomination process?
Nominate yourself or someone else by filling out the nomination form. We may contact selected individuals for more information.
Nominations will be reviewed by a doctor, a patient advocate, and staff from Consumer Reports and the ABIM Foundation to choose 25 champions to be trained as the first group of activists.
Nominations must be submitted by April 30, 2017.
For questions, or to submit a nomination or application, contact HealthImpact@cr.consumer.org.
Published: April 05, 2017
BirthPregnancyConsumer ReportsChoosing WiselyChoosing Wisely Patient ChampionHealthy Birth