By: Cara Terreri | 0 Comments
At the end of this Minority Health Month, a time to raise awareness about and encourage action to improve health disparities that continue to affect racial and ethnic minority populations, we would like to share pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, postpartum, and early parenting, resources for different ethnic populations. This list is not exhaustive, and unfortunately, is not as robust as it should be. If you know of an organization that helps populations who are underresourced, please let us know!
Black/African American
American Indians/Alaska Natives
Asian Americans
Maternal health resources for the many Asian-American populations in the United States is severely lacking though disparities continue to affect this population's health outcomes. If you know of a resource specific to Asian-American parents, please let us know.
Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders
Published: April 30, 2021