Great Expectations: Meagan @ 36 Weeks
By: Cara Terreri, LCCE, CD(DONA) | 0 Comments
The holidays have passed us and now it's full-speed ahead to the baby's arrival. I had my 36-week check-up today. My midwife said next week I will technically be full-term, so theoretically, the baby could arrive at any point after that. It's crazy enough to think of the baby being here in four or five weeks, let alone one or two. I suppose that means we should start getting out the diapers, clothes and other baby paraphernalia.
I must say it was a little strange being pregnant during the holidays. My first two were born in October, so I had newborns during Christmas. Now, I got to hear all the comments of how massive my belly is. Are you sure there isn't more than one in there? Are you really going to be able to hold out another month? Then there is always the question that comes with a head tilt. So, [tilt head] how are you feeling? Most people also give a little wince, expecting to hear horror stories about hemorrhoids, indigestion, varicose veins and other such maladies. But, I'm still holding strong and feeling good, other than the heaviness that comes from hauling around a record-breaking watermelon all day.
At my check-up today, I had my group B strep test. Now I get to wait a week to see what the results are. I'm hoping it is negative because I really don't want to have to labor with an IV. I made it through the first two deliveries with no wires connecting me to anything and I'm hoping for the same this time around. I'm just concerned that by being connected, I will be distracted and not able to labor with full focus. Not to mention that if this delivery goes as quickly as my last one, I wouldn't even be in the hospital long enough to get the full dose of antibiotics. So, here's hoping for another negative test result!
Published: January 05, 2012
PregnancyGreat Expectations