Great Expectations: Meagan @ 34 Weeks
By: Cara Terreri, LCCE, CD(DONA) | 0 Comments
What's it like being at the end of pregnancy during Christmas? It's like living in super-warp speed. The end of pregnancy can go quickly enough, as does the holiday season. Combine the two and a month feels like the blink of an eye. While I am looking forward to meeting our little one, I'm still perfectly okay with slowing down this last month-and-a-half and taking some time to breathe before we are caught up in the whirlwind of the newborn stage. I've never been one who has been overly impatient for the end of pregnancy, and this time around is no exception. Perhaps some of that has to do with having good, complaint-free pregnancies. But a greater part is because I remember the sleepless nights, endless nursing sessions and labor pains. So, I'll do my best to relax and enjoy my sleep for as long as possible & aside from the nighttime bathroom trips.
At my most recent appointment, I received an early Christmas gift. It was the news that the baby is in fact head down. This little acrobat has flipped around so many times that a week ago it felt as if the baby was sideways at one point and diagonal at another. I have stepped up the exercises to encourage baby head down and thankfully as of today, the kiddo has cooperated. My midwife assured me that most likely if the baby is head down now, it will stay that way because it would take a lot of effort to flip breech at this point. Let's hope that's true!
While that was a great gift, I would like one more thing for Christmas: a baby name my husband and I can agree upon. We have come up with a boy name with little difficulty, but that girl name is still giving us problems. Hopefully we'll have some divine inspiration this Christmas and our search will finally be over.
Published: December 22, 2011
PregnancyGreat Expectations