Great Expectations: Liz @ 26 Weeks
By: Cara Terreri, LCCE, CD(DONA) | 0 Comments
After logging over 3000 miles of drive time in the last two weeks, this pregnant mama is ready for a break. My first trip was to the Lamaze/ICEA conference in Milwaukee--basically a mecca for birth junkies like myself. It was incredible to be in the presence of so many amazing birth professionals. My growing nugget had the pleasure of making a guest appearance, as Gail Tully of Spinning Babies used him/her for a live belly mapping and painting demonstration once again. There were definitely a lot more "oohs" and "ahhs" with that crowd, compared with the gawkers at the Minnesota State Fair.
Last week marked the third installment of "The Abbene Family Road Trip," this time to Virginia for a wedding. I found the tree trunks formally known as my legs almost comical and even broke down and took a couple of baths in the hotel tubs to help with the swelling. I found swimming to be positively weightless bliss and am now scoping out local pools to enjoy during the last trimester. I was relieved that my bladder held out, at least for part of the trip. However, all that sitting in the car got this baby moving and squirming so much that by the time we were on the way home, I had to stop and pee more than all of my children combined.Now that I'm home, I'm not planning on going anywhere for a good, long while. I'm quite content to enjoy home-cooked food, sleep in my own bed, and watch my little nugget's hiccups from the comfort of my couch.PS: Go vote for this blog on FitPregnancy... today is the last day!
Published: October 14, 2010
PregnancyGreat Expectations