Great Expectations: Liz @ 10 Weeks
By: Cara Terreri, LCCE, CD(DONA) | 0 Comments
Welcome to our newest series at Giving Birth with Confidence: "Great Expectations." Follow along with us in this bi-weekly update as we learn about one woman's journey to birth and motherhood, complete with growing belly photos. Today we meet Liz who is due in January 2011 with baby number four. Liz comes to us with not only the experience of previous pregnancies, but she also is a childbirth educator and doula. We look forward to her insight! Thump, thump, thump, thump. It's a sound I've heard so many times, yet never tire of--the sound of my unborn child's heart. Hearing it for the first time yesterday, seeing that little nugget growing inside me, was the most incredible feeling. Although I've had many ultrasounds before, with my three amazing children, this one was especially emotional, and definitely worthy of waterproof mascara. After experiencing an unexpected loss over the winter, I've been nervous, but hopeful about this pregnancy. I had never had any trouble conceiving, never had a miscarriage, and then suddenly, my world was turned upside down. The doula and childbirth educator in me knew that there was a reason for it--most likely some sort of anomaly that couldn't have been prevented, that the baby wasn't perfect, so my body just took care of it. However, knowing that didn't make it any less excruciating.
This time around, I feel much more pregnant, which is perhaps my body's way of reassuring me that all is well. I have all-day sickness and major food aversions, which I don't love, but am definitely embracing, knowing that it's a sign that my hormone levels are rising. My body has had no trouble remembering what it's like to be pregnant, as is apparent by my definitive bump. I am quite fatigued, making chasing after three other children along with attending births more challenging, so I am starting to shift my energy from other mamas to myself so I can focus on the important work that my body needs to do in growing this wonderful, much-loved nugget!
10 Weeks!
Published: June 24, 2010
PregnancyGreat Expectations