The last couple of weeks have been marked mostly by the same symptoms I've been having: nausea off and on, heartburn and acid reflux, fatigue, and feeling uncomfortably bigger. One new symptom: Braxton Hicks contractions. These are so weird to me! I've read about them, but I had to ask a friend and make sure that's what it really was. My stomach gets so hard and pointy. They aren't painful necessarily, but definitely they bring aches and cramps to my pelvis area for about a minute. It's kind of exciting to know that my body is already doing things to prepare for childbirth!
As much as I didn't want to spend a lot of money of maternity clothes, less and less of my regular clothes fit on my body, let alone are appropriate to wear in public! So I find myself slowly picking up a maternity tank at Target or a dress at Old Navy. I keep seeing super cute maternity clothes from ASOS online, so I just ordered a couple of dresses from there. Their prices are so inexpensive, and I'm excited to see how they fit. Since school is out now, I can get away with wearing whatever I want around the house, but for these last couple of pregnant months it will be nice to have something cute to wear when I'm out and about.
We did have a doctor's appointment last week and I am excited because I just found out that I passed the glucose test. However, they also found out that I'm anemic so I need to take iron supplements. I'm really hoping that this will help me in the energy department. I was chalking up my lack of energy to 3rd trimester of pregnancy, but it's kind of nice knowing that there was another reason that I was feeling so worn out, and that I can- hopefully- do something to make it better. Joe is making fun of me for all of the meds that I am on now: Zofran, Diclegis, prenatal vitamins, Zantac, Tums, and now iron. I also have to add Miralax in my water everyday to counteract the constipation that the Zofran causes. My purse is stuffed with all of my meds so that I can take them right when I need them, and I get exhausted just organizing it all! My doctor reminds me that this is all temporary, and that we are doing what we can to help me keep eating and keeping nutrients in for baby boy.
We also had an ultrasound to check on baby boy's development, and he looks great! He is weighing in at three pounds already, so they are very pleased with his growth. It's just too fun to see him wiggling around, and now that he's bigger he looks more like...a baby! I keep looking at the picture of his profile and I just can't wait to see his face for real.
As far as the nursery goes, still no updates. Joe and I were so overwhelmed these last two weeks with the end of the school year. Joe had to travel out of town for his golf state tournament, and we had a variety of high school graduation functions to attend, including our own niece's graduation and party. Now that things have died down, we are scheduling a day next week to dedicate entirely to the nursery. We're going to assemble the crib, shop for bedding, furniture, and curtains, and look for some things to put on the wall. Hopefully next time, I'll have a picture of at least part of the nursery. For now, check out these cute transportation graphics that I ordered from Etsy and framed! This is all I have for the wall at this point.
Some other random baby notes:
Looking forward to: A baby shower that my church family is throwing for me in a couple of weeks.
Working out: I've been consistent with 4-5 times a week prenatal workouts! It makes me feel strong and so much better about my growing body. I've been doing the same video over and over, so I just ordered a new one from Amazon that I can't wait to try out.
Birthing classes: They start in two weeks!
Published: May 27, 2016
PregnancyGreat ExpectationsThird TrimesterMaternity ClothesBaby BoyNauseaAnemiaBraxton Hicks Contractions