You may not know this, but Lamaze is a nonprofit organization that relies on membership, sponsorship, and donations to serve and advocate for families around the world. Without support from people like you, we would not exist! Can you imagine a world without Lamaze? Apart from the fact that we have helped hundreds of thousands of families have safe and healthy births, we have also inspired countless jokes from comedians and late-night comedy sketch shows (ahem, SNL)! You're welcome.
In this season of giving, we know that there are many worthy organizations and people in need. We ask you to consider supporting Lamaze International with a tax-deductible donation this year as a way to give back and pay it forward to current and future families that will benefit from our mission and advocacy. With your donations, Lamaze is able to:
- Reach families, members of the media, and health care professionals with an up-to-date approach to pregnancy and childbirth that allows people to have the birth experiences they want for themselves and their babies.
- Promote the evidence-based Six Healthy Birth Practices to pregnant families. We hope that by increasing awareness of these healthy practices, we can help decrease the alarmingly high maternal mortality rate in the United States.
- Inform health care professionals about the significant and proven body of evidence that forms the basis of Lamaze education.
Lamaze International has been instrumental in bringing the message of safe and healthy birth to families around the world. Your donation will allow us to continue to spread that message through the work of our passionate childbirth educators, evidence-based research, and direct outreach to families.
Together, we can meet families at one of the most critical stages of pregnancy, working with health care providers and lawmakers to make access to comprehensive, evidence-based childbirth education accessible.
Lamaze International makes a difference -- and you can too! Support Lamaze International with your tax-deductible donation today.
If you can't make a donation, please support Lamaze in other ways:
Shop - Whether your purchase is a gift or for yourself, you can be sure it is a high-quality product and that you are giving back. Your purchase supports education and advocacy for safe and healthy pregnancy, birth and parenting around the world.
Share Classes & Tools - Find local and online classes, and share other resources with your network.
Advocate - Advocacy is a foundational element of the Lamaze International mission to advance safe and healthy pregnancy, birth and early parenting through evidence-based education and advocacy.
Advertise - Lamaze reaches thousands of childbirth educators and maternal-child health professionals throughout the year, and influences millions of expectant parents seeking evidence-based information about pregnancy, birth and early parenting.
Become a Member - Connect and take advantage of exclusive resource and networking opportunities with a Lamaze membership. Your membership contributes to achieving the Lamaze mission.
Published: December 05, 2019
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