During this time when finances, resources, and sanity are stretched thin, organizations all over the world are trying to do their part to help families by offering free or reduced price resources, products, entertainment, teaching tools, and so on. BabyBabyOhBaby, the "incomparable" parenting videos company, has partnered with Lamaze to offer our readers and fans two free videos, "Breastfeeding" and "Infant Massage." Links to the videos and their descriptions of each are listed below.
“BabyBabyOhBaby: Bonding With Your Brilliant & Beautiful Baby Through Infant
This entertaining and informative introduction to infant massage provides a step by step guide with chapters devoted to each part of the body, easy to follow demonstrations, and “real world” examples of parents practicing these ancient techniques with their own
Infant massage is a loving way to communicate with your baby, to bond and build trust and
confidence for both baby and parent. When you give your baby a massage, you’re showing
them just how much you love them, one stroke at a time. By introducing your beautiful baby to
the joys and benefits of massage during infancy you’re giving a gift that can last a lifetime.
*This video is a practical guide to infant massage. It is not medical advice. You should review
your massage program with your doctor before beginning. Infant massage is not medical
treatment or therapy. If your baby shows signs of discomfort or distress during the massage,
STOP. Consult with your doctor prior to resuming.
"BabyBabyOhBaby: Infant Massage Just Music and Babies (Accompaniment Video)
"BabyBabyOhBaby: Nurturing Your Gorgeous & Growing Baby By Breastfeeding"
This video is a heartfelt, honest and reliable introduction to one of the best parts of parenthood. Whether you're still considering breastfeeding or know you plan to breastfeed, this video takes the mystery and doubt out of breastfeeding by giving you practical, real-world information. The panel of experts are all real moms and babies who show and tell you what to expect.
*This video is a practical guide to breastfeeding. It is not a substitute for medical advice. If you
have questions or difficulties, consult a La Leche League volunteer, your health care provider or
an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant.
Published: April 10, 2020
BreastfeedingFree Breastfeeding ResourcesBreastfeeding VideosFree resourcesInfant massageInfant Massage Videos