Endometriosis Awareness Month: Resources to Know and Share
By: Cara Terreri, LCCE, CD(DONA) | 0 Comments
March is Endometriosis Awareness Month, an event that is recognized worldwide. Since endometriosis affects around 176 million women around the world, it's likely you know someone who is dealing with the disease. Endometriosis is a disease that causes tissue similar to that which is found in the lining of the uterus to grow in other internal areas of the body. This growth causes lesions and scar tissue. The biggest side effects of endometriosis are pelvic pain and infertility. Endometriosis does not necessarily mean that a woman will remain infertile for life, but rather that she will likely encounter significantly more difficulty becoming pregnant. In recognition of endometriosis this month, we would like to share with you basic information and resources so that you may become more familiar with the disease and help support yourself or others.
Endometriosis 101
- Endometriosis lesions can be found anywhere in the pelvis
- Pain from endometriosis usually correlates to the timing of a woman's menstrual cycle
- There is no cure for endometriosis, but there are treatments
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Myths About Endometriosis
- Severe period pain is not "normal"
- Young women can, in fact, have endometriosis
- Endometriosis does not always mean infertility
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Endometriosis and Infertility
- Many women with endometriosis go on to become pregnant
- Some women with endometriosis may need surgery or the use of assisted reproductive technologies to become pregnant
- Women with endometriosis generally take longer conceive
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Endometriosis and Pregnancy
- There is no indication that endometriosis causes women to have repeated miscarriages
- Pregnancy does not cure endometriosis, though symptoms may significantly subside during pregnancy
- Endometriosis may increase your risk for preterm birth
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Many countries have support organizations for endometriosis. Find yours here.
Published: March 13, 2015