Become a Top-Notch Pregnancy Partner: What You Need to Know
By: Cara Terreri, LCCE, CD(DONA) | 0 Comments
Every dad and birth partner has an important role to play in supporting the safest, healthiest birth possible. Get off to a great start in your role by learning all that you can, beginning with Lamaze's free webinar on what every birth partner needs to know.
WEBCAST: June 20, from 8:00PM- 9:00PM ET
Your partner is pregnant and the big day is almost here! Are you prepared to support her in having the safest and healthiest experience possible? This is your opportunity to get armed with important information that will help you in your role supporting your partner; and your chance to ensure positive outcomes for mom and baby!
The Becoming a Top-Notch Pregnancy Partner: What Every Partner Needs to Know webcast will prepare you to:
- Recognize the milestones that occur at the end of pregnancy and will help signal when it's time to gear up for labor and birth.
- Feel confident that you know what to do and where to go when the big moment arrives.
- Understand the challenges you may face in childbirth care and give you tips to deal with the gaps between evidence and practice.
- Feel comfortable when you need to reinforce mom's preferences, make sure she can use things she's been promised, like access to a tub or shower.
- Identify resources available to help you both prepare for the optimal labor and delivery.

Your presenters are Piper Lovemore, LCCE and her husband Chaz. Piper is a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator and doula who teaches classes alongside her husband, Chaz, in Hawaii. While Piper sticks to evidence-based information parents need to prepare, she brings Chaz in to talk about becoming a top-notch pregnancy partner and give expecting dads a real life outlook on what to expect.
Published: June 13, 2013