All About Inductions - An Inside Infographic Look
By: Cara Terreri, LCCE, CD(DONA) | 0 Comments
Have you talked with your care provider about induction? Do you know others who have had an induction? Do you know the risks, benefits, and when it's medically necessary? Lamaze has several resources on induction to help inform, educate, and equip you with evidence based information to make decisions about your birth and health care. Let's take a walk through the Lamaze infographic on inductions to discover the overview topics and the many in-depth resources available.
It's true that induction is common -- how many in your circle of family and friends have you heard about that have had an induction? But -- is it always medically necessary? It's important to learn about the medical reasons for induction. Take a look at the following reasons (as listed on this Lamaze resource):
- You're showing few signs of labor by 42 confirmed weeks of pregnancy
- You have a medical disease that is not responding to treatment
- You have certain medical conditions such as high blood pressure and too much protein in the urine (a condition known as preeclampsia)
- Your labor isn't starting on it's own after your water breaks and you have a Group B Strep positive culture
- You have a uterine infection
- Your baby's growth has been slow for his or her age

So if an induction isn't medically necessary, what's the harm? Induction carries several increased risks, which if being performed for reasons other than medical necessity, may not be worth it to you. In addition to the increased risks illustrated above, check out the following resources on induction:

If the risks are greater and medically necessary inductions account for only a portion of inductions, what factors encourage parents to choose induction? See below to learn more:
If induction is being considered or suggested, it's important to open a discussion about induction with your doctor or midwife. The illustration above points out some key questions to ask. For more information on an in-depth discussion, check these resources out:

There are things you can do to help prevent unnecessary induction and prepare for the healthiest birth possible!
Do you have experience with induction? Share your story in the comments!
Published: November 30, 2016
BirthInductionInfographicLamaze ResourcesInformed ChoicesInformed Decisions