A New Mom's Last-Minute Gift Wishlist
By: Cara Terreri, LCCE, CD(DONA) | 0 Comments
1. Sleep
2. Sleep
3. Sleep
4. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner in bed. (You know, in case I want more sleep.)
5. Sign on door that says: Welcome Visitors! Unless you are sick. And only if you bring a meal. And only if you promise to stay for less than an hour. And only if you don't expect to be fed or entertained in any way.
6. Time for sleep again!
7. Magic powers to know exactly why my baby is crying at any given moment.
8. A shower. Every day would be preferable.
9. An invisible shield that prevents leakage from diapers and breasts.
10. To never, ever forget these precious moments when my baby was small enough to fit in the crook of my arm and fall asleep on my chest.
Published: December 17, 2013