Great Expectations: Meagan @ 28 Weeks
By: Cara Terreri, LCCE, CD(DONA) | 0 Comments
I have officially entered the third trimester. When I first found out I was pregnant, nine months seemed like such a long time. Now three months seems as though it's only a few short weeks. The reality that the baby will soon be here is really setting in. I've started having dreams about the baby's arrival. The other night I dreamt that I gave birth very quickly to a healthy boy. Discovering it was a boy, I gloated that I knew it was going to be a boy, despite what the ultrasound said. I felt good after the birth, so I left the hospital to attend a baby shower. While there, I realized I hadn't nursed him yet, so I figured I should probably get back to the hospital. When I returned, I couldn't figure out how to get in or where to find him. Once I did, the nurses had given him a bottle and I was furious. Didn't they know I wanted to nurse him exclusively? Didn't they know I needed to nurse him to get my supply going? Didn't they know a bottle went against my birth plan?! When I awoke, I was still a bit furious, but also very confused. It didn't take me long to realize it was just a dream. My still-there stomach was a good indication of that.
I had my 28-week check-up and glucose screening this week. The results for the blood draw won't be in for a few days. I have no reason to believe I have gestational diabetes, but I will feel a sigh of relief when I hear the results are truly negative. I'm measuring fine (despite feeling massive for having three months still to go). Currently the baby is camped out diagonally across my stomach. I had noticed that my belly button was off-center. This child seems to be kicking back, relaxing and treating my uterus as if it's a hammock, which also explains why I have been feeling movements in various directions. Hopefully over the next few weeks, the baby will move into a more ideal position.
My 5-year-old son asked me, Mom, what are you going to do with three kids? I mean that's a lot. I told him I didn't know. And, I honestly don't. Just as I didn't know what I'd do with one kid and then with two. I have moments of asking myself how it is all going to work out, but I try not to get too hung up on the details. Somehow we seem to adapt and figure it all out. And until then, I suppose I have more crazy dreams to look forward to.
Published: November 10, 2011
PregnancyGreat Expectations