Partners' "Quick Guides" to Childbirth, Postpartum, and Breastfeeding
By: Cara Terreri | 0 Comments
When you're wandering in the woods, sometimes you follow your intuition and sometimes you need a compass (or your phone/GPS). The same can be said about partners navigating the path through parenthood. Lamaze works with couples amidst this experience all the time, and we hear the range of emotions from partners -- from joy and excitement to anxiety and distress. We created the following "quick guides" to help provide some quick but critical go-to information for these important times.
A Partner's Quick Guide to Childbirth
As the non-pregnant and non-birthing person, it can be challenging to figure out your role and find your comfort zone. It's also important to remember that your presence and participation is valuable. In this quick guide, we provide you with a few simple, but crucial tips for childbirth.
A Partner's Quick Guide to Breastfeeding
Partners take an important role in breastfeeding. This quick guide shares ways in which partners can help prepare and educate themselves for breastfeeding prior to birth and offer the best breastfeeding support afterward.
A Partner's Quick Guide to Postpartum
The postpartum period is generally defined as the first six weeks after birth, but I'm going to let you in on a little secret: it's longer. And as with any big life event and changes, it helps to learn and prepare in advance. This guide looks at some of the most important points to consider for the postpartum period.
Published: June 22, 2020