March is National Nutrition Month, which means that throughout the month, we'll be sharing helpful resources and information on how to make nutrition a priority during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and the postpartum months. With all of the information available along with the plethora of choices at any given grocery store, knowing how and what to eat to feel good and stay healthy can feel overwhelming and confusing. Today, we're sharing quality online resources for healthy eating during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Of course, this list is by no means an exhaustive list of resources -- if you have a different favorite resource on nutrition during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or postpartum, we'd love to know! Please share in the comments.
>Basic pregnancy nutrition overview from American Pregnancy Association
Simple overview on nutrition during pregnancy, including key nutrients to include and examples of food that provide them, and common myths and facts.
>Questions about pregnancy nutrition from The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Commonly asked questions about pregnancy nutrition, including key information about critical vitamins and minerals and how to get them.
>Nutrition for vegans and vegetarians during pregnancy from Cleveland Clinic
Basic nutrition information for people who eat vegan or vegetarian diets.
>Eating during pregnancy with gestational diabetes from the US Department of Health and Human Services
Basic information on a healthy diet and a sample menu.
>Gestational diabetes general info and recipes from Gestational Diabetes Recipes
Lots of informational posts and a cache of GD friendly recipes.
>What to eat while breastfeeding from Medela
Basic Q&A with a registered dietitian answering some of the most common questions about what to eat and avoid eating while breastfeeding.
>Top nutrients for postpartum recovery from Scientific American
Learn about 5 critical nutrients and where to get them.
Published: March 02, 2020
NutritionNational Nutrition MonthNutrition During PregnancyNutrition During BreastfeedingNutrition During Postpartum