21 Tips to Get Through the Long Winter Months When You're Pregnant
By: Cara Terreri | 0 Comments
Winter takes a toll on everyone. Cold temps, low levels of sunlight, and shorter days affects mood, emotions, and health. If you're pregnant during these long months, hang in there and use a few of our suggestions below to help you get the rest or energetic boost you need.
- Go to bed as soon as you start to feel tired
- Take a vitamin D supplement
- Get fresh air and natural light every single day
- Wash your hands with soap throughout the day
- Hydrate even when you aren't hot
- Eat winter season fruits and vegetables
- Rest (actually lay down) when you're feeling tired, sad, bored, disconnected, or "off"
- Moisturize your skin for pregnancy plus cold, dry weather
- Keep exercising - get outside with the right layers and shoes, or find an indoor activity
- Eat the right foods to boost best nutrition
- Dress in layers
- Wear flat and non-skid/rubber-soled boots or shoes
- Pack a winter survival kit for your car, just in case (include water and food!)
- Go easy on yourself - do less, expect less, say "no" more
- Schedule time to be social at least weekly
- Create a regular standing phone call date with a good friend or sibling
- Make weekly for social time with friends or family
- Take a break and get help from others - whether friends or professionals
- Schedule a winter maintenance check for your car
- Find your favorite winter mocktail
- Find and schedule a great childbirth class - virtual options are available!
Published: January 31, 2023