Even if Valentine's Day isn't your thing, we can all get behind finding reasons to love the life you're in. It can be hard with day-to-day trials and tribulations to see through the muck and notice the beauty, so to speak. But when you take the time and make the space (even if it feels impossible) to look, it can help move you from a place of challenge and frustration to one of gratefulness and love, even if only momentarily.
Today, we look at 10 things to love about being pregnant. Pregnancy is a mixed bag. Some people love it, some people hate it. All people have moments they loved and hated. This post is for people who find pregnancy particularly trying, emotionally, physically, mentally, or all of the above. With some of the items below, you may find yourself saying, "but that's what I hate!" And it's true. See above re: mixed bag. Try finding one that works for you -- or find your own top 10, or at least top 3.
10 Things to Love About Pregnancy When You Don't Love Pregnancy
1. It's temporary. When pregnancy feels exceptionally challenging, perhaps the most helpful thought to hold onto is, "I will not be pregnant forever." Pregnancy is a temporary state, of course, but it can feel like forever when you're experiencing a difficult time. Remind yourself -- as often as you need to -- that it's temporary.
2. It feels purposeful. Pregnancy can make you feel like you're connected to something that's bigger than yourself, that you're doing what you're doing because there's a greater purpose or goal. This thought and feeling can help you through more challenging moments.
3. You have a legitimate excuse. Too tired? You're pregnant. Don't want to go ______? You're pregnant. Ordering in take-out (again)? You're pregnant. Need to sit down? You're pregnant. Whatever it is, feel justified in doing what you want without apologies because, well, you're pregnant.
4. Sense of connection. Pregnancy can help you feel more connected -- to your body, your baby, your partner, your sister, the millions of people who have and currently are going through the experience alongside you.
5. Newfound courage/strength. Pregnancy, birth, and parenthood come with lots and lots of decisions to be made. You may find that through this process, you find newfound confidence and outspokenness where it did not exist before. Protective instincts, which often show up fiercely during this time, have a way of changing people.
6. Unexpected perks. Bigger boobs, taste for delicious food, more support from people, attention, glowing skin, increased sexual desire -- not all of these happen to everyone and not everyone considers these things perks. Examine what you might consider a perk that's happening for you in your pregnancy and spend time focusing on that yummy bonus.
7. Permission to care for yourself. No one needs permission to do things or care for themselves. But some of us have a more difficult time than others doing it without encouragement from others. Pregnancy is a time when we are encouraged and commended for taking care of ourselves -- run with it, without apologies!
8. You're in good company. It's true what they say-- misery loves company. If you're going through a rough pregnancy, you aren't alone, and there's comfort to be found in knowing there are others experiencing the same thing. What helps even more is finding a group of people who have or are currently experiencing a challenging pregnancy. Find and connect with people online or in your community.
9. You're never alone. No matter how alone you might feel, your baby is always with you. For some, this can be a comforting fact. Some begin to experience a close bond with baby in pregnancy and report loving the way that feels.
10. Thinking about birth brings relief. When you're having a tough pregnancy, the thought of giving birth brings a whole new layer of excitement -- not being pregnant anymore!
Did you experience a hard pregnancy? What would you add to this list? What small thing helped you get through your pregnancy?
Published: February 03, 2020
PregnancyDifficult PregnancyTop 10 Things to Love