Lamaze Membership
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Lamaze Membership

LCCE Certified Membership

Create a Non-Member account below and then apply for the LCCE (Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator) exam.

New to Profession Membership

Available to individuals enrolled in a Lamaze Accredited Program and planning to sit for the LCCE exam. Require staff verification and approval with proof of enrollment.

$75 (applies to all countries).

Join Lamaze as a New to Profession Member

Upgrade to New to Profession Member


Affiliate Membership*

Available to individuals employed as perinatal or birth work professionals (i.e. Doulas, nurses, midwives, physicians, and public health) who do not hold the LCCE credential.

Group A $75 (United States, Canada, United Kingdom - see all eligible countries)

Join Lamaze as a Affiliate Member Group A

Group B $65 (China, Mexico, Romania - see all eligible countries)

Join Lamaze as a Affiliate Member Group B

Group C $55 (Guatemala, Nigeria, Phillippines - see all eligible countries)

Join Lamaze as a Affiliate Member Group C

Group D $45 (Haiti, Kenya, Korea - see all eligible countries)

Join Lamaze as a Affiliate Member Group D

Student Membership

Available to students enrolled in bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral nursing, or midwifery university programs. Require staff verification and approval with proof of enrollment. 

$50 (applies to all countries)

Join as a Student Member

Upgrade to Student Member

Parent Advocates

For expectant or new parents, or former/retired LCCE educators who no longer practice and maintain credentials. Parent advocate members receive the online version only of The Journal of Perinatal Education.

$75 (applies to all countries)

Join Lamaze as a Parent Advocate

Lamaze Educator Emeritus

For former/retired LCCEs who no longer practice or maintain credentials and were previously certified educators. Lamaze Educator Emeritus members receive the online version only of The Journal of Perinatal Education. Staff will review applications to ensure previous certification with Lamaze.

$50 (applies to all countries)

Join as a Lamaze Educator Emeritus


Non-Member Registration

If you would like to participate in public discussion forums, find out more about Lamaze events, or purchase products without purchasing a membership, please register as a non-member to receive limited access to the site. As a non-member, you can visit the childbirth education training communities and upgrade to a full membership at any time.

Register with Lamaze as a Non-Member


*Group pricing for International members are based on the World Bank Economic Classification table. Memberships are non-refundable and non-transferable. Membership will be valid through the calendar year in which it is activated and is not pro-rated.