World Health Organization Shares Simple Infographics on COVID-19 Guidelines for Pregnancy and Lactation
By: Sharon Muza, BS, LCCE, FACCE, CD/BDT(DONA), CLE | 0 Comments
Every country in the world, on all the continents, with the exception of Antartica, is facing the COVID-19 pandemic and all that entails. Each government is acting independently to take action to protect their citizens. And in the meantime, the babies will keep coming. The World Health Organization has published some clear and concise infographics that effectively illustrates best practice that all perinatal facilities and providers should be following.
Please take a look at these infographics and share it widely. Step up in your perinatal professional role to assist families in your communities in asking for and receiving evidence-based, humane care during their labors, births and postpartum periods.
Birthing people have the right to the support companion of their choice during their labor and. birth, and the right to remain with their newborns skin to skin and breast/chestfeed them and maintain contact with them. If separation is necessary, they should be supported in hand expression, pumping and initiating and maintaining a milk supply that can be provided to their baby. Let's help families maintain these basic human rights. during their labor, birth and early parenting.
Published: March 26, 2020
PregnancyBreastfeedingChildbirth educationWHOWorld Health OrganizationDoulasSharon MuzaChestfeedingBreast/ChestfeedingCOVID-19