Welcome to World Breastfeeding Week!
By: Kimmelin Hull, PA, LCCE | 0 Comments
There's a lot going on around the world this week...unifying efforts to promote and support breastfeeding! Here's a list of some organizations and events you might like to follow this week and (hopefully!) get involved in:
World Breast Feeding Week official website: access news on WBW events, get a certificate for your WBW event, read about engaging our youth in breastfeeding support and find out the where, when and how of the planned

To read news from the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action, go here.

Check out the list of links regarding breastfeeding provided on the World Health Organization's Media Center page.

To learn about La Lache League's culminating event, the Big Latch on, go here.

Don't forget to check out what the International Lactation Consultant Association has going on, in terms of WBW event resource kits and other promotional items.

Read news stories about local and international organizations celebrating WBW here, here and here...
And don't forget to follow World Breastfeeding Week on our sister blog, Giving Birth With Confidence!

At the end of this week, we will be posting breastfeeding success stories..
The more stories we receive, the more powerful our joint message about the wonders of breastfeeding! Don't let time or literary concerns stop you from submitting. We're looking for brief (150 word) stories from childbirth educators, lactation constulants, L&D nurses, doulas, midwives and doctors, lactation peer supporters and, yes, even breastfeeding moms! Go here for further details about when/where to submit your stories!
Posted by: Kimmelin Hull, PA, LCCE
Published: August 01, 2011
BreastfeedingWorld Breastfeeding WeekProfessional ResourcesBreast CompressionInternational Lactation Consultant AssociationLa Leche LeagueWBWWorld Health Organization On Breastfeeding