Three Great Resources to Help Educate Parents on Baby Safety
By: Boppy | 0 Comments
The following is a sponsored post from Boppy®.
Every September is Baby Safety Month (BSM), an awareness program originally created by the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA). BSM raises awareness and provides knowledge on how to keep little ones safe. Educating parents that safety should never be compromised is key because most injuries can be prevented.
Below are resources to use to help educate parents in your classes.
1. Check frequently to learn how parents can keep their homes safe for their little ones.
2. Utilize, a leading national nonprofit dedicated to the survival of babies throughout the first years of life, for safe sleep recommendations.
3. Direct clients to manufacturers for proper use of their products. For example, The Boppy Company, creators of the iconic Boppy® Feeding & Infant Support Pillow, provides FAQs on their website to support new parents. And this month, they have partnered with Lifestyle Expert Jennifer Bronner to provide helpful baby safety tips in this quick video recorded September 9, 2020.
Even though September is Baby Safety Month, these three resources are updated regularly and can help support Baby Safety education to parents year-round.
Published: September 29, 2020
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