Series: Journey to LCCE Certification - Mission Accomplished!
By: Sharon Muza, BS, LCCE, FACCE, CD/BDT(DONA), CLE | 0 Comments
By Cara Terreri, LCCE
photo credit:
kevin dooley cc
If you have been following Cara Terreri in our Series: Journey to LCCE Certification, you know Cara was last seen hard at work preparing for the LCCE examination. I received good news from Cara yesterday, and wanted to share her update with you. Please join me in congratulating Cara on successfully passing the Lamaze exam and receiving the credentials 'LCCE'. I would like to congratulate all of you who also received news of your passing score. You should be proud of your accomplishments. If others would like to explore becoming a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator, please check out our certification page on the website for information on how to start. - Sharon Muza, Science & Sensibility Community Manager.
The final days
At the culmination of nearly two years, the longest part of which was the last five weeks waiting to hear news, the results are in'¦ I passed the exam and am now a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator! Though I felt confident in my knowledge and abilities, self-doubt crept in during the weeks leading up to the exam. I amped up my studying and review time in order to feel more sure in my knowledge. Walking through the door of the testing site, my nerves took a back seat and I felt ready.
My test experience
My test-taking experience was, overall, positive. Many of the questions were reasonable and fair, and for a good number of them, I quickly found the answer. For other questions, however, I really had to closely read the question and think hard about my answer. I could always narrow it down to two answers - it was those last two that really tested my knowledge! The testing system allows you to 'flag' a question if it's one you want to go back and review. Two hours into the exam, I was finished answering questions. I was more than thankful for the additional hour to review the questions I had flagged. For two questions, I felt strongly about sending feedback to staff, a feature available to me during the test. This feature made me feel like the test was truly created to be fair and open to my feedback. When the test results were released, I was pleased to see that a question had been eliminated, and I was hopeful that it might have been one of the questions I flagged.
Lamaze core values
Lamaze prides itself on promoting evidence based information and the LCCE exam is no different - questions are created fairly (not intentionally tricky), and cover a wide range of in-depth information that a competent and effective childbirth educator should possess. As someone who writes on behalf of Lamaze for parents everywhere, and as a budding educator and doula, holding the LCCE credential is invaluable. It provides added credibility, yes, but perhaps more importantly, it holds me accountable. Ongoing education is so critical in our field! Throughout the years since working with Lamaze, I've come to learn so much about the organization in comparison to others. It's the level of dedication and commitment to education that encourages me to grow further with Lamaze as my foundation.
What's next
Now that the exam is complete, the real work begins! Since moving and settling into a new community, I now am ready to create a business plan for 2015 and begin teaching locally. My earlier professional goals centered around doula work, but until I can solidify extended child care, that will have to wait. Teaching classes, however, is very doable and it's also something I truly enjoy.
Did you also pass the exam? Share your good news in our comments section and let us know what your next steps are! Where will you be teaching? What type of classes? Let us knw! We want to celebrate with you and wish you all the best as you start your work as an LCCE. - SM
About Cara Terreri
Cara began working with Lamaze two years before she became a mother. Somewhere in the process of poring over marketing copy in a Lamaze brochure and birthing her first child, she became an advocate for childbirth education. Three kids later (and a whole lot more work for Lamaze), Cara is the Site Administrator for Giving Birth with Confidence, the Lamaze blog for and by women and expectant families. Cara continues to have a strong passion for the awesome power and beauty in pregnancy and birth, and for helping women to discover their own power and ability through birth. It is her hope that through the GBWC site, women will have a place to find and offer positive support to other women who are going through the amazing journey to motherhood.
Published: December 03, 2014
Cara TerreriLamaze InternationalProfessional ResourcesLCCESeries: Journey to LCCE Certificationbetter birth outcomes