Recognition for the Lamaze Push for Your Baby Campaign
By: Sharon Muza, BS, LCCE, FACCE, CD/BDT(DONA), CLE | 0 Comments
PR News announced this week that Lamaze's Push for Your Baby campaign was a co-winner for the 2013 Nonprofit PR Award for Digital PR and Marketing.
The Push for Your Baby campaign worked to provide expecting mothers with key information they needed to push for a safe and healthy birth for their baby. According to PR News, 'the campaign launch successfully positioned Lamaze as a go-to resource for maternity care information and generated excitement among its educators.'
Within a week of launch, the campaign's online video received over 1,000 views, and overall the campaign yielded more than 18 million earned media impressions. To date, the video has had over 8,400 views. Lamaze would like to thank Jones Public Affairs for their work on this campaign and leading the implementation.
Science & Sensibility first wrote about the 'Push for Your Baby' in the blog post: New Lamaze Campaign: Push for Your Baby! Childbirth Educators Play a Key Role.
Are you using this wonderful video and accompanying materials to reach your students with the message that parents can push for a safe and healthy birth? What has been the feedback from your classes on this material? If you are not using it, won't you consider incorporating this fantastic resource in your class curriculum?
You can read more about this award from PR News.
Published: March 20, 2013
Childbirth educationPush for Your BabyLamaze InternationalLabor/BirthMaternity Care SystemsMaternal Infant CareAwards