New Research Project Looking at Lived Experiences of Pregnant Women in the Work Place
By: Kimmelin Hull, PA, LCCE | 0 Comments
[Editor's note: I was recently contacted by a PhD student at Texas Tech University who is working with a professor at the University of Georgia to research pregnant women's experiences at work. The research team is seeking to understand how organizations can do a better job at helping pregnant women in the workplace (or at the very least, stop doing things that negatively impact them). They have created a brief, 15 minute survey that involves asking pregnant women how they manage their identity at work. The research team is looking for ways to spread the news on this project - including using social media as a primary platform for survey distribution. Will you, after reading the following statement, please consider passing this onto your students/clients/patients? The more women who complete this survey, the better representation of thoughts, opinions and experiences there will be. I'm sure all of us can think of one example in which we know a woman could have been better supported by her work environment during her pregnancy. Won't you help spread the word on this important research project?]
Are you pregnant and working? We need your help!
We are researchers from the University of Georgia and Texas Tech University, studying the attitudes and behaviors of pregnant working women. We are also mothers and understand the struggles pregnant working women feel. We want to help so we are studying ways to improve the workplace experiences of pregnant working women. To do so, we need pregnant working women who are 18 years of age or older to fill out a short survey. The data obtained in this survey will help us develop a valid instrument so that in the future we may test these experiences and how they relate to organizational outcomes.
PLEASE CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO TAKE THE SURVEY. Also, please forward this link to other pregnant working women.
You can also click on the links below to learn a little more about the researchers, You can then click through to the survey by clicking 'PREGNANT AND WORKING SURVEY. CLICK HERE'.
Dr. Laura Little -
Amanda Hinojosa -
Published: September 21, 2011
ResearchNew ResearchProfessional ResourcesResearch for AdvocacyAmanda Hinojosabeing pregnant while workingLaura LIttlepregnant and workingpregnant woman surveyTexas TechUnivesity of Georgia