New Electronic Fetal Monitoring Infographic Along with Printables of All Infographics!
By: Sharon Muza, BS, LCCE, FACCE, CD/BDT(DONA), CLE | 0 Comments

Lamaze International has released a new infographic; 'Can Good Intentions Backfire in Labor? A closer look at continuous electronic fetal monitoring (EFM). This infographic is suitable for childbirth educators, doulas and birth professionals to use and share with clients and students.
Many birthing people and their families feel that monitoring in the form of continuous EFM (CEFM) during labor means a safer outcome for both the pregnant person and baby. But as the infographic clearly states, (and as the research shows) since the invention of the continuous EFM, more than 60 years ago, newborn outcomes have not improved and in fact worsened. CEFM used on normal, healthy, low risk labors does not make things better and can often create a situation that requires action (such as a cesarean birth) when the reality is that all was fine.
As educators, we have a responsibility to the families we work with to share what the evidence shows about continuous fetal monitoring. Families may be surprised to learn that CEFM is not necessary for a spontaneous labor that is progressing normally and with a baby who is tolerating labor well. Many of us may cover this topic when we talk about the 4th Healthy Birth Practice - Avoid Interventions that are Not Medically Necessary. CEFM during a low risk, spontaneous labor is not medically necessary. Helping families to understand this information and setting them up to have conversations with their health care providers about when CEFM might become necessary is an important discussion to have in childbirth class. Now there is this Lamaze International infographic on CEFM to help you facilitate conversations with your clients and students.
Lamaze International has also listened to the needs of educators and in addition to having the infographics available on a web page, all of the infographics are available as printable 8 1/2'³ x 11'³ handouts that you can share with families. Alternately, for versions to laminate or hang in your classroom or office, you can choose to print the jpg versions in the original format. And of course, they will also reside on the Lamaze International Professional website. Hop on over to check out all the infographics on a variety of topics.
Parents can find the EFM infographic as part of the educational material on the EFM information page on the parent website.
How do you cover the topic of continuous electronic fetal monitoring in your classes? Will you be likely to use this new infographic as part of your curriculum? Let us know in the comments section below.
Published: February 18, 2015
Childbirth educationEFMElectronic Fetal MonitoringLabor/BirthinternetDoulaschildbirth education businessentrepreneurInfographicsbirth businesschildbirth educatorchildbirth professionalContinuous Electronic Fetal Monitoringdoula business