Major Online Retailers Pull Inclined Infant Sleepers from Their Stores Due to Safety Concerns and Increased Risk of Death
By: Sharon Muza, BS, LCCE, FACCE, CD/BDT(DONA), CLE | 0 Comments
A post on Connecting the Dots early this fall discussed increased concerns with in-bed sleepers and inclined sleepers for infants. "In Bed Sleepers Linked to Infant Deaths – What Do Childbirth Educators Need to Know" discussed how products such as the DockATot and others (meant to be used in a bed) and inclined sleepers such as the Fisher-Price Rock-N-Play and others were responsible for 73 infant deaths. Parents were advised not to use them with their children.
That post also provided a collated list of resources that childbirth educators could use to be informed and be able to confidently share accurate information about these products, the current warnings and safe sleep with families.
Just recently, major on-line retailers Amazon and eBay pulled all the inclined infant sleeper products for sale from their websites, upon receiving a letter recommending this action from Consumer Reports that proceeds an expected ruling from the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).
"Since April, the American Academy of Pediatricians (AAP) has also advised caregivers to avoid using any type of infant inclined sleeper, as have consumer safety organizations, including Kids In Danger and the Consumer Federation of America. Further, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) also recently cautioned consumers not to use these sleepers and voted to move forward with a proposed rule to prohibit inclined sleepers, based in part on a recent study commissioned by the agency that found the products were unsafe for infant sleep." - Consumer Reports
Other retail and online businesses have yet to follow suit but are expected to take similar actions. Parents are still able to buy and use these products from many locations without knowing the dangers and recommendations that these sleepers not be used at all. Additionally, many new parents may receive these products from well intentioned friends and family, unaware of the risks associated with their use.
As educators, we will continue to keep parents up to date on how to best protect their children from unsafe products and what current best practices are for safe sleep and infant care. You can also download printable posters to hang in your classroom at the post linked above. The elimination of these products from the websites of several major online retailers is also helping to keep babies safe in their homes.
Published: December 12, 2019
Childbirth educationIn the NewsSafe sleepConsumer ReportsInfant sleepInfant Sleep SafetySharon MuzaConsumer Product Safety CommissionDockATotRock-n-Play