Lamaze Learning Guide and Toolkit for Educators Available En Espanol
By: Sharon Muza, BS, LCCE, FACCE, CD/BDT(DONA), CLE | 0 Comments
Lamaze International is a global organization that offers professional development opportunities in the field of childbirth education for interested professionals from all around the world. Participants can attend workshops in locations around the world that prepare them to sit for the Lamaze International Certification Exam and earn the credentials "Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator" (LCCE) after successful exam completion. Lamaze childbirth educator training and the LCCE certification are recognized as the gold standard amongst childbirth educators.
In recognition of our international standing and accreditation, Lamaze International diligently works to offer learning materials and the LCCE exam in languages other than English. Lamaze recently has completed the translations and updates necessary to make the entire Lamaze International Learning Guide (Guía de Aprendizaje Lamaze) available in Spanish to those birth professionals preparing for the Lamaze exam in that language.
The Lamaze Learning Guide in both Spanish and English is an interactive guide to learning the knowledge, skills and competencies of a childbirth educator and is the core curriculum used in the Lamaze Childbirth Educator Seminar. It also can be used as a self-study, self-assessment tool by experienced educators who are preparing to sit for the Lamaze Certification Exam or as a valuable resource and learning system for LCCE educators who want to assess and update their knowledge base. The Lamaze Learning Guide is the core curriculum used in the Lamaze Childbirth Educator Program.
The 2016 Learning Guide contains the following topics:
- Professional Role of the Childbirth Educator
- Promoting a Safe and Healthy Pregnancy
- Promoting a Natural, Safe and Healthy Birth
- Healthy Baby, Breastfeeding and Early Parenting
- Teaching
- Changing the World of Birth
The Lamaze Toolkit for Childbirth Educators, one of the primary core readings referenced in the Lamaze Learning Guide is included with the purchase of the Learning Guide. The Lamaze Toolkit is a curriculum guide developed specifically for Lamaze educators to enhance their own course design and teaching skills. The Lamaze Toolkit covers the Lamaze fundamentals for pregnancy, birth and parenting as well as the Lamaze Six Healthy Birth Practices.
La Guía de Aprendizaje Lamaze es una guía interactiva para aprender el conocimiento, herramientas y competencias de una educadora prenatal. Es el currículo central utilizado en el seminario Lamaze para educadores prenatales. También puede servir como un estudio personal para educadores con experiencia quien están preparando para tomar el examen Lamaze, como un recurso o sistema de aprendizaje por educadores LCCE quien quieran evaluar e actualizar su conocimiento.
Notificación electrónico será enviado después de su compra con información para tener acceso a su perfil. Tome nota: La Guía de Aprendizaje no es un libro físico. Compradores recibirán acceso electrónico a este recurso, que se puede imprimir si desea.
Lamaze International also has an extensive collection of materials in Spanish for expectant families to access and Spanish speaking childbirth educators to use during their class programs. These resources can be found on the
Parent Spanish resource page. Even if you do not conduct your classes in Spanish, some families in your classes may benefit from this material.
Do you know Spanish speaking birth professionals who would like to pursue training to become a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator? Do you run a Lamaze workshop that trains educators, and may have some participants who would benefit from utilizing the materials in Spanish. Share with Spanish speaking people interested in adding LCCE to their credentials, letting them know about these learning opportunities.
To learn more about opportunities to take a Lamaze workshop, access our "
Explore Certification" page to start. I also want to take a moment and recognize Elena Carrillo, Program Director for the Universidad Anahuac, a Lamaze accredited program who reviewed the entire Spanish Toolkit and Learning Guide for accuracy.
Published: February 23, 2017
Lamaze InternationalProfessional ResourcesLCCEElena CarrilloLamaze En Espanol