Join the Lamaze Advocacy + Collaboration Committee!
By: Molly Giammarco, MPP | 0 Comments
Is getting more involved in Lamaze International and helping families access childbirth education and information to have safer and healther births on your New Year's resolution list? Do you want to collaborate with other people who share the same goals and support Lamaze International's advocacy programs?
The Lamaze Advocacy + Collaboration (A+C) Committee is recruiting new members for 2021. A+C Committee members serve two-year terms and participate on a monthly one-hour conference call and support Committee projects and initiatives. The A+C Committee is seeking volunteers who are interested in international, federal, and state advocacy.
In 2021, the A+C Committee will begin developing a regional grassroots infrastructure to help Lamaze increase awareness of, and access to, its childbirth education offerings. If you are interested in applying to join the A+C Committee, please send your CV/resume and a short statement of interest (Word or PDF) to Molly Giammarco, Lamaze staff liaison to the A+C Committee, by Friday, December 18. Please feel free to contact Molly with any questions.
About Molly Giammarco
Molly Giammarco has consulted for professional healthcare associations for more than eight years. As Lamaze International’s Senior Manager for Policy & Government Relations, Molly monitors legislation regulations related to maternal and child health, as well as advises the Lamaze Advocacy + Collaboration Committee.
Molly received her undergraduate degree from Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts and her master’s degree in public policy from the George Washington University in Washington, D.C. She currently lives in Washington, D.C.
Published: December 08, 2020
Lamaze InternationalMolly GiammarcoVolunteer OpportunitiesAdvocacy & Collaboration Committee