Introducing the Lamaze International LCCE Educator Social Media Guide
By: Sharon Muza, BS, LCCE, FACCE, CD/BDT(DONA), CLE | 0 Comments

This past Tuesday, I collected and shared a multitude of Lamaze International resources that are available on a variety of social media platforms that many of you might already be familiar with - Pinterest, YouTube, Facebook and many more. The vast majority of these resources are available to any birth professional or consumer, and a scarce few are limited to Lamaze International members. There is one more resource for Lamaze International members that I would like to make you aware of - the just released LCCE Educator Social Media Guide. The Social Media Guide satisfies one of the Lamaze International Strategic Framework Goals for 2014-2017: Continue to build-out social media presence and engagement, and build educator skill and engagement in social media outreach.
Lamaze International has long provided a LCCE Educator Marketing Toolkit to help educators market their Lamaze classes to their community. The Social Media Guide augments that Toolkit and is a comprehensive document that explains the different social media platforms so that you can select the one(s) that best meet your needs and serve your purpose. We then help you get started, if you are new to the selected platform. There is also additional information if you are already a user and want to take your professional social media usage to the next level.
The Social Media Guide shares how it might benefit you and your business to engage with potential clients and students on social media, and what impact it might have on your business. And as everyone knows, using social media can sometimes feel like falling into a big, black hole. The Social Media Guide helps you to understand the importance of a) setting limits and b) using your limited time wisely.
Have you wondered if you should have a personal AND professional social media account or use the same account for both purposes? We can help you decide, as the guide discusses the pros and cons of both. We also provide various social media graphics that you can incorporate into your profiles, helping you to create a brand identity as a premier childbirth educator.
Each platform section is full of "Pro Tips," useful suggestions and examples that can help you to use the platform effectively, efficiently and wisely. There is information for all skill levels from beginner to current user.
There is even a comprehensive glossary so that you can make sure to understand all the abbreviations, acronyms, and keywords that are associated with each platform.
Being active and engaged on social media positions you as an expert in your field and can really help consumers to see both the benefits and value in utilizing your services. It also helps share evidence based information that can help guide families to safer and healthier births. With a smart and effective social media strategy, you will be able to see the return on your time and energy investments with increasingly full classes and further recognition as an expert in serving families during the childbearing year.
If you are a current Lamaze member, head right over, log in and check out and download your copy of this comprehensive guide. If you are not currently a Lamaze International member, this guide along with all the other benefits offered to members is a real value for the price of a membership.
I also want to share that my colleague Jeanette McCulloch and I are teaching an interactive and jam-packed preconference workshop- "Social Media Smarts: Strategic Online Marketing for the Busy Childbirth Professiona" on Thursday afternoon, right before the Lamaze International/ICEA 2015 conference starts, on September 17th, in Las Vegas, NV.
Social media marketing may be free, but your time isn't. With Facebook views on the decline and increasing competition for your audience's attention, how can you reach new families and fill your childbirth classes or client calendar without spending your day online? Join us for the workshop and advance your skills! More info on the conference website. Early bird registration for the conference and this workshop is available through August 1st. Register now.
Have you had an opportunity to get a peek at the Lamaze International LCCE Educator Social Media Guide. Share your experiences putting some of the information to work for you in our comments section.
Published: July 22, 2015
BreastfeedingLactation ConsultantLamaze InternationalProfessional ResourcesDecision-MakingParent educationInteractiveLamaze International MembershipMembership BenefitsSocial Media Guide