How to Get Good Maternity Care
By: Amy M. Romano, RN,CNM | 0 Comments
As someone who is knowledgeable about pregnancy and birth, I often hear from far-flung friends and relatives who have questions. The questions run the gamut: "Can I take this medication?," "Do I really need to be induced?," "What does this test result mean?" But I hear in these questions a much more basic question: "How do I get good maternity care?"
Whether each woman can articulate it or not, all women want maternity care that is woman-centered, safe, effective, timely, efficient, and equitable. These are the domains of high-quality care.
So how can a woman get high quality maternity care? As part of our Join the Transformation Campaign, Childbirth Connection created a new resource to answer this question.
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(You can download a PDF handout of these tips here.)
These ten tips give women the foundation they need to begin to engage as savvy consumers of high-quality care, but there's so much casino online more work to be done to retool our system to fully enable this kind of engagement. How can women choose their caregiver and setting wisely without transparent performance data to evaluate quality? How can women understand the evidence without access to high-quality decision support tools that are appropriate for their literacy and numeracy levels? How can women control their health records if they can't even access them electronically?
We launched our Join the Transformation campaign to strengthen our work to address these gaps. We're working with partners to implement key recommendations from our consensus Blueprint for Action, so in the future when women ask "How Can I Get Good Maternity Care?" the answer is clear and the resources are at their fingertips.
Maternity Care With a Heart from Childbirth Connection on Vimeo.
Published: December 20, 2011
PregnancyChildbirth ConnectionLamaze EducatorsMaternity CareLabor/BirthAmy RomanoTransforming Maternity CareOnline StoreBlueprint For ActionHow Do I Get Good Maternity CareJoin The Transformation