Happy BIRTHday BOLD!
By: Kimmelin Hull, PA, LCCE | 0 Comments
photo credit: http://cakecentral.com/gallery/1446035
Yep...Birth and the BOLD movement are five, today! As your labor day weekend (or regular-old Monday) winds down, you still have time to register for, and enjoy watching, the live webcast of the Birth production, taking place in New York's Museum of Motherhood, beginning at 7pm (EST). Check out last week's post about the play, Birth here.
I do hope you'll join me, and thousands of others around the world, in watching Birth this evening (or morning, depending on where-in-the-world you are!)
After the production, please consider chiming back in here and telling us what you thought of the performance.
Published: September 05, 2011
BirthWebinarsProfessional ResourcesPatient AdvocacyNews About PregnancyBirth On Labor DayBOLDKaren BrodyMuseum of Motherhood