Happy 20th Anniversary to the Cochrane Collaboration!
By: Sharon Muza, BS, LCCE, FACCE, CD/BDT(DONA), CLE | 0 Comments
As I wrote about in my January 3rd, 2012 post on the top 10 reasons to join Lamaze International, one of the great benefits of being a Lamaze member is complete access to the Cochrane Collaboration. The Cochrane Collaboration is an international organization whose purpose is to make available information on the effects of healthcare interventions. Reports in the form of Cochrane Reviews are current, accurate and made available electronically on the internet and by DVD, and updated monthly. Systematic reviews are conducted and published on a wide variety of healthcare interventions so that people can make informed decisions. This is stored in the Cochrane Library.
The Cochrane Collaboration was founded by Archie Cochrane, who was a British medical researcher. Mr. Cochrane is best known for his article Effectiveness and Efficiency: Random Reflections on Health Services written in 1972.
Archie Cochrane, photo credit:
Cardiff University. Library, Cochrane
Archive, University. Hospital
The creation of a systematic review of randomised controlled trials (RCT's) of care during pregnancy and childbirth is 'a real milestone in the history of randomised trials and in the evaluation of care.' Professor Archibald Leman Cochrane, CBE FRCP FFCM, (1909 - 1988)
The Cochrane Collaboration is celebrating their 20th anniversary this year, 2013 and will be sharing a series of 24 short videos over the course of the anniversary year, focusing on the ideas, achievements and people that have been part of the history of this international and well-respected organization. I am sharing the first in this series, so you can learn a bit more about how this organization came to be recognized as the gold standard in evidence-based health care.
The United States Cochrane Center has created and made available free of charge, an online tutorial, 'Understanding Evidence-based Healthcare: A Foundation for Action, that can help you to learn how to best navigate and understand the resources contained in the Cochrane Library.
Lamaze International's Healthy Birth Practice Tools is completely based on evidence based information and was created so that consumers could understand and advocate for the best care for themselves and their babies. Lamaze recognizes the importance of educators and others having access to up to date information and therefore is pleased to offer access to the Cochrane Library as a member benefit. To access the Cochrane Library as a Lamaze member, first login to Lamaze International's Member Center and then follow the drop down box to the Cochrane Library. You will be redirected to the library, with full access.
I rely on and use this member benefit constantly, and appreciate it being made available to me by Lamaze. Won't you share in the comments section how you use the Cochrane Library? How has it helped you? Do you find what you need? Do you share information and studies with your students, clients and patients? Let us know, please.
Cochrane AL. Effectiveness and Efficiency. Random Reflections on Health Services. London: Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, 1972. (Reprinted in 1989 in association with the BMJ, Reprinted in 1999 for Nuffield Trust by the Royal Society of Medicine Press, London (ISBN 1-85315-394-X)
Published: January 15, 2013
Childbirth educationInterventionsResearchLamaze InternationalHealthy Birth PracticesMaternity Care SystemsMaternal Infant CareEvidence Based MedicineCochrane Collaborationbetter birth outcomesbetter pregnanciesMother-baby bonding improvement