Dr. Kate Levett to Present Webinar on Teaching Complementary Therapies in Childbirth Classes
By: Sharon Muza, BS, LCCE, FACCE, CD/BDT(DONA), CLE | 0 Comments
Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educators need to renew their certification every three years. Does your certification expire this year? You have until December 31, 2018 to renew if it does. Part of the renewal process is providing proof of 25 continuing education hours. Many other professional and licensed professions have similar requirements for continuing education. Lamaze International makes it easy for you to receive contact hours through a variety of methods including webinars. You can find more information on all the online learning available to you here on our Online Education Portal, where past webinars can be viewed and news of upcoming webinars can be found. Here is a great opportunity to receive contact hours good toward recertification before the end of the year, if you are a bit short.
Upcoming webinar
Our newest webinar offering is scheduled for next week, on Monday, November 12th, 2018 at 4 PM EST. Complementary Therapies, Antenatal Education and Labor Experience: Analyzing the Outcomes and Economic Analysis will be presented by Kate Levett. In this webinar, Dr. Kate Levett will discuss her research about teaching complementary therapies for childbirth. She will discuss the evidence for use of complementary therapies to reduce epidural and cesarean section rates as well as women’s experiences using complementary therapies during labor and birth. There will be a Q&A period after the formal presentation for active participation.
Kate Levett's bio
Kate Levett is a Research Fellow at the University of Notre Dame Australia, School of Medicine Sydney; and an Adjunct Fellow at the NICM Health Research Institute at Western Sydney University. With over 18 years of research experience, Kate has a particular interest in maternal health and complementary medicine. She completed her PhD at NICM Health Research Institute at Western Sydney University and has a Masters’ degree in Public Health (Epidemiology) from the University of Sydney. Her undergraduate qualifications are in Education, specializing in Health Education (Univ. Sydney) and an Advanced Diploma of Applied Science (Acupuncture) (AIAS). She has a post-grad certificate in Japanese acupuncture, pediatric acupuncture and Medical Qigong. She has recently been awarded a four-year National Health and Medical Research Council Fellowship to continue the work started in her PhD study, Birth Course: A randomized controlled trial of an antenatal education program of complementary therapies for pain relief in labor for first-time mothers. Kate works as an acupuncturist in a private clinic at Restore Health & Wellness in St Leonards, Sydney, specializing in women’s health, fertility, pregnancy, and preparation for labor and birth.
Registration, contact hours and cost
There is a nominal webinar cost of $28 USD for members/$38 USD for non-members.
1.0 contact hour may be earned as CNE credit for attending the entire activity and completing a participant evaluation by 12/15/2018. 1.0 Lamaze Contact Hour may be earned for attending the entire activity and completing a participant evaluation. Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider #15932 for 1.2 contact hours. This program is recognized by ICEA for 1.0 contact hour. Partial credit is not awarded.
You can register for this webinar here.
What are you doing to receive contact hours toward your recertification? Have you considered taking this webinar? Hope to see you there!
Published: November 06, 2018
Lamaze InternationalWebinarsProfessional ResourcesContinuing EducationContinuing Education For NursesContact HoursSharon MuzaKate LevettRecertification