Childbirth Education Advocacy Summit Hosted by Lamaze International Is May 18-19, 2020 in Washington, DC
By: Sharon Muza, BS, LCCE, FACCE, CD/BDT(DONA), CLE | 0 Comments
It is hard to believe that the end of the year is almost upon us, with December just a week away. For folks all around the world, this time of year is often full of festive occasions, travels and time with family and friends, good food and many traditions. Not many of us have our sights fully set on 2020 yet, but do make sure that you have Lamaze International’s Childbirth Education Advocacy Summit on your radar.
The Childbirth Education Advocacy Summit, hosted by Lamaze International is scheduled for May 18th and 19th, 2020 in Washington, DC. With education and advocacy at the core of Lamaze International’s mission, we are committed to helping our members and colleagues master valuable advocacy strategies and skills that will increase the effectiveness of our collective efforts to improve maternal infant health at an international level all the way down to improving outcomes right in our own communities, wherever that may be around the globe.
A carefully curated group of presenters along with the support of Lamaze International’s Government Relations team will offer resources and learning opportunities that help attendees to be focused on talking about the importance of effective evidence-based childbirth education, and the positive impact it can have on pregnancy, birth and early parenting outcomes.
Grassroots programs and voices effectively campaigning for change are having a growing impact on the politicians in power who allocate funding and resources on the issues that matter to pregnant and new families. Now is not the time to sit back and let things fall where they may, but rather we must all step up and make sure that the issues that are important to us and the families we work with are heard, understood and supported.
Please make sure that you are planning to join your peers in Washington, DC at the Lamaze International Childbirth Education Advocacy Summit in May, 2020. Follow along on the Summit webpage for updates on the program, accommodations and early bird registration, which will open early in the new year.
Also stay tuned right here on Connecting the Dots, for posts by our Government Relations team as they keep us all up to date on Lamaze International’s advocacy efforts. Advocacy matters and Lamaze International supports you in being the best advocate you can be for parents and babies in 2O20 and beyond!
Published: November 22, 2019
Lamaze InternationalAdvocacyGovernment RelationsAdvocacy SummitSharon MuzaChildbirth Education Advocacy Summit