Happy World Breastfeeding Week - The Celebration Continues with More Free Resources!
By: Sharon Muza, BS, LCCE, FACCE, CD/BDT(DONA), CLE | 0 Comments

Resources continue to be made available during World Breastfeeding Week that will benefit the childbirth educator, doula, lactation consultant, midwife and other professionals as they educate, support and provide assistance to families who are planning to continue to breastfeed and return to work. Check out today's resource list.
Free Journal of Human Lactation articles
In honor of worldwide celebrations of World Breastfeeding Week and the theme "Breastfeeding and Work- Let's Make It Work, the Journal of Human Lactation has made the following ten research articles available for free during the month of August 2015 to anyone interested in reading them.
The Journal of Human Lactation is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal publishing original research, insights in practice and policy, commentaries, and case reports relating to research and practice in human lactation and breastfeeding. JHL is relevant to lactation professionals in clinical practice, public health, research, and a broad range of fields related to the trans-disciplinary field of human lactation.
Hat tip to Lactation Matters for the heads up on this generous offer from JHL..
Free iMothering Webinar with Nancy Mohrbacher
Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC, FILCA, an expert in the field of breastfeeding, and author of several books on breastfeeding including Breastfeeding Solutions: Quick Tips for the Most Common Nursing Challenges, (which was reviewed previously on Science & Sensibility) has a free online webinar for families and professionals on on iMothering.com titled - Working and Breastfeeding Made Simple.
Free Downloadable Resource for Caregivers of Breastfeeding Infants
Additionally, Nancy has shared a super resource that breastfeeding families can share with the caregivers of their nurslings, to help them understand how they can best help and support the breastfeeding working parent when they are watching the child as the caregiver. Check out this printable For the Caregiver of a Breastfed Baby and let families know they can share this with their child's caregiver to provide accurate information on how best to feed the breastfed baby while s/he is with their caregiver.
Do you have any resources that you have found helpful during this WBW celebration? I invite you to share and link to them in the comments section so we can all benefit. Thanks in advance!
Published: August 05, 2015
BreastfeedingChildbirth educationPostpartumSocial MediaLamaze EducatorsInfant SafetyProfessional ResourcesBabiesMaternal SafetyEvidence Based TeachingRNFacebooksocial support for parentsJournal Of Human LactationNancy Mohrbacher