Birth Matters: The Latest Book from Midwife Ina May Gaskin
By: Kimmelin Hull, PA, LCCE | 0 Comments
In my recent response to the editor about an article published in Clinician Review (which, by the way, still remains unanswered), I discussed my beliefs on why more than just pregnant women, and the birth workers with whom they interact, ought to care about pregnancy and birth. Last week, during a long drive home beside the barely-thawing Yellowstone River, I discussed this same issue with a dear doula friend of mine: birth has got to matter to more than just those of us working in this field, and the women we tend to.
And so, hackles still raised, I am particularly refreshed to see Ina May Gaskin has released yet another book, entitled Birth Matters, which apparently discusses just this issue: why does and should childbirth matter to the whole of our human species...not just an isolated segment of us?
To read a lovely interview with Gaskin about her new book, check out what Babble posted recently.
To you, the reader:
*Why does the issue of childbirth matter to you? *Who else do you think needs to be apart of this ongoing dialog?
**I challenge each and every reader of this post to forward it onto one person who might not otherwise be drawn to frequently thinking and talking about birth.
Birth matters to all of us - whether we think so or not, whether our work lives bring us adjacent to childbirth or not - because it affects all of us in one way or another.

Published: March 28, 2011
Labor/BirthKimmelin HullClinician ReviewsBabbleBirth MattersIna May Gaskin