Because... A Poem Honoring Cesarean Awareness Month
By: Sharon Muza, BS, LCCE, FACCE, CD/BDT(DONA), CLE | 0 Comments
Giving Birth with Confidence is the sister blog to Science & Sensibility, Lamaze International and is geared for parents and new families. Cara Terreri, ( you may remember Cara, we followed her journey to becoming an LCCE) has been the Community Manager there since the blog was first established in 2008. I always point the families in my classes to Giving Birth with Confidence because I know that they will find evidence based information along with great inspiration to push for a safe and healthy birth.
Cara recently wrote and published a poem on Giving Birth With Confidence to commemorate Cesarean Awareness Month (April), and it really spoke to me. Since April is also National Poetry Month, I wanted to share her poem with you, in hopes that you might pass on and share with the families you work with. Because 1 in 3 is too many.
1 in 3 is too many
Recovery is hard
My birth was still a birth
I want to have a VBAC
My scar still hurts
I was separated from my baby
My doula supported me in the OR
I didn't have a choice
I got to experience skin to skin with my baby right away
I made the choice this time
I wish I would have known
I feel cheated
My doctor never told me this could happen
It's going to be OK
My sister said this was easier anyway
My midwife made the right decision to transfer to the hospital
Friends told me at least I had a healthy baby
I have postpartum depression
It was the best decision for my birth
My husband has scars too
I'm embarrassed
My doula wasn't allowed back into the OR
I failed the one thing I'm supposed to be able to do as a woman
My mom had one too; I guess it was meant to happen
I know my doctor helped me make the best decision
I want more for my daughter
I am a source of courage and support for others who have gone before me and those who will go after me
I did the best that I could with the knowledge I had at the time
I'm doing better now
My baby is beautiful
My body is strong
I am resilient
My birth matters
By Cara Terreri
Published: April 08, 2015
Childbirth educationCesareanCesarean Awareness MonthPoetryCara TerreriLabor/BirthCAM